Vote on Lower Level Furniture Color!

Golden Ticket Giveaway

Eat at the Union + Get a Scratch Off Ticket = Win Prizes!
Located at the heart of campus on the Main Quad

The Illini Union is the student union for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Since 1941, it has been the campus's home for student organizations, meetings, student programs and activities, and more.

Today, the Illini Union houses study spaces, restaurant and retail options, a rec room, a hotel, and campus organizations that promote student success--such as the Parent and Family Programs office, the Student Org Complex, and the McKinley Health Resource Center, to name a few. 

Comprised of 11 different planning committees, the Illini Union Board is the campus event-planning board with hundreds of weekly events, ranging from comedy shows, movie nights, and trivia, to special appearances and even the annual outdoor concert on the Quad – Spring Jam.

Illini Union Events Calendar

Dinner Deals at the Union!


The restaurants in the Lower Level - Mia Za's, Thai Fusion, and Maize are open from 11am-7pm (M-F). Enjoy dinner with these great $8 Dinner Deals:

  • Mia Za's Express: 8" deep dish pizza & fountain drink
  • Thai Fusion: chicken or tofu entree & fountain drink
  • Maize: 2 tacos & a fountain drink
offers are good from 4-7pm (M-F)



The last Thursday of each month between 5-9pm see how many strikes you can throw in the monthly STRIKE OFF! Top 3 placers will win prizes with the winner receiving a FREE commemorative t-shirt. Register at the Rec Room the day of the event. $5/entry (maximum of 3 entries per person).

Dates: February 27; March 27; April 24; May 8 (Reading Day Strike Off)

Ema headshot

Professional Portrait Lab

The Illini Union and The Career Center are happy to provide all University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign students a FREE professional headshot. Click below for complete details, hours, and dates.


weekend films pine lounge

Weekend Movies

Every Friday and Saturday evening during each semester starting at 7pm, you can enjoy a FREE movie in the Pine Lounge, courtesy of Illini Union Board. Bring your friends and watch the latest blockbuster movies.


Illini Union

Happenings at the Union

The Illini Union has several ongoing projects taking place over the next few years. We will provide periodic updates for those projects to keep you apprised of what is happening.


Student Wellness



Explore wellness resources on CampusWell, an interdepartmental website that provides informative articles and videos about all things wellness!